Couple support

Coaching for couples whatever stage your relationship is at, whether dating, engaged, married or living together.

From our own experience of being married for over 30 years, we know that this key relationship doesn’t just happen but needs constant care and attention. There will be times of complete harmony in our relationship but there are also as likely to be periods of strain and tension between us as a couple.

As ‘life happens’ around us, a couple will inevitably go through different seasons in their relationship, bringing with it fresh joys and challenges too. With circumstances changing around us, such as our employment, health issues, starting a family, retirement or caring for elderly relatives, we can also change as individuals which, putting pressures on our relationship as we try to adapt to each other. We can also have expectations of our partner that can be either healthy or sometimes unrealistic.

How we can help

In our work, we can help couples to discuss these things, to bring clarity and understanding between them of each other’s expectations. Working with us can help you to navigate change, as well as being a safe place to have some important discussions that will help you through challenging times when they arise.

So often a couple will feel like they are the only ones facing these challenges and are relieved to discover that much of what they’re going through is often perfectly normal. For couples, so often the hardest step is asking for help and realising that talking things through with someone might be beneficial. Seeking help can feel like failure. However, we know from working with many couples over the years, that this can be the first step to taking control of your relationship when it feels like things are slipping away from you.

A positive experience

Couples can be reluctant to seek help because they feel ashamed of where they are in their marriage, or they feel that everything is bad. When we work together, we have the joy of looking at the strengths in a couple’s marriage as well as the growth areas. This is always a really positive experience as some couples can experience the relief of realising their relationship isn’t as bad as they thought it was!

Happy couple embracing with sunset in background
Couple sitting on couch at counselor's office

We can support you whether you are thriving in your relationship, experiencing change in your relationship, or feel your relationship needs a boost; we also support couples in crisis.

Our experience in dealing with many different aspects of relationships, includes:

Generally, when meeting with a relationship therapist, you meet with one person. We believe that participating in sessions with us both, as a couple, can provide an enhanced dynamic, as you get two complementary perspectives on your relationship and the subjects that are being discussed.

Although we’re based in the UK, as the sessions are via Zoom, we can work with couples all around the world—language & time zones permitting.

The SYMBIS Report

Have you ever wished that you could take an X-ray of your marriage to see what’s really going on underneath the surface? We are delighted to utilise the award winning SYMBIS Assessment to work with couples in all aspects of their relationship which helps to do just that.

The SYMBIS report produces an illuminating snapshot of your relationship based on the answers that you give to an online questionnaire, showing what is going well in your relationship as well as areas that could benefit from some discussion & focus.

SYMBIS will show you:

Image of a sample SYMBIS report

How it works:

Lets' talk

We'd love to talk with you about the Couple Support you need. Book a free 20 minute consultation or make an enquiry:

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